Balakov: Hugs
Sweetmart: Fox and Daffodil
Avanaut: The Sandtrooper
Viktor Hertz: 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' pictogram movie poster
Viktor Hertz: 'Fahrenheit 451' pictogram movie poster
Gotta Love geeks: Kid has the attitude
Gotta Love geeks: Do you.... Yajúu?!
mondegrass: psicodelia celeste³
Che-burashka: "More than yesterday, less than tomorrow."
Che-burashka: Tell me the Truth About Love
Che-burashka: Untitled 82
Che-burashka: Adventures of the lost keys - water edition
carou-: Teste
alibubba: Cop Out
alibubba: Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do. With such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling. (83/365)
alibubba: Define Yourself. (143/365)
alibubba: That Type of Girl (67/365)
unraveled_girl: always come back by kurt halsey