adafruit: art of electronics, 3rd edition
jeri ellsworth: Mach XO2 Motor Board
jeri ellsworth: Working on 3D Monitor Technology
RL Mulholland: boats (e x p l o r e)
slaterman23: WIPage.
slaterman23: iPaper
StevenSmith1: Avery-Oak
sue olson: Japanese Maple
slaterman23: Malcolm Reynolds
slaterman23: Like a Lightbulb
slaterman23: So Long, Mr. Scott
colerise: one of a few recent experiments.
Aasprong Photography: Hafrsfjord in Colour
Gigapic: Heavenly Falls in the Fall at the Japanese Gardens
Gigapic: Japanese Maple in the Fall
號獃 H.D: 五分山
Trey Ratcliff: The Gentle Path to the Beyond
philputnam: Solitary
Ion Camborrado: 24.02.2010