David Warrell: Frozen Berrys
David Warrell: Male Blackbird
David Warrell: Female Blackbird
David Warrell: Garden Robin
David Warrell: Primrose
David Warrell: Snowdrops
David Warrell: Seed heads
David Warrell: The Wall
David Warrell: The Fairies are in the garden
David Warrell: Lady Blackbird
David Warrell: Dewdrop on a cane branch
David Warrell: Holly and water drops
David Warrell: Frosty Leaves
David Warrell: Garden Robin
David Warrell: Male Chaffinch
David Warrell: Defying Gravity
David Warrell: I Need A Drink Can you break the Ice
David Warrell: Male Reed Bunting
David Warrell: Blue Tit
David Warrell: New visitor to the garden Pied Wagtail
David Warrell: New Visitor in the garden Pied Wagtail
David Warrell: Male Reed bunting
David Warrell: Goldfinch
David Warrell: Male Reed Bunting
David Warrell: Snowdrops
David Warrell: Hellebore The Winter Rose
David Warrell: Crocus and what a bit of sun can do
David Warrell: Blackbird
David Warrell: Yellow Crocus