David Warrell: What’s that smell O the farmer’s about
David Warrell: Woody under the bench
David Warrell: X marks the spot
David Warrell: Woody thinks he’s hiding
David Warrell: Is this done
David Warrell: The Gardener
David Warrell: Privet hawk moth caterpillar
David Warrell: Woody on lookout duty
David Warrell: Not coming in without treats
David Warrell: I’m Not interested
David Warrell: The huge sunflower
David Warrell: Red Admiral and the buddleia
David Warrell: The Garden Inspector
David Warrell: Woody in the garden
David Warrell: Woody sun worship 🐈‍⬛
David Warrell: What the ! ?
David Warrell: Woody on the bed
David Warrell: No treats not coming in
David Warrell: I’m Busy go away
David Warrell: What a hot day
David Warrell: Red poppy
David Warrell: White poppy
David Warrell: Tortoiseshell butterfly
David Warrell: Our first poppy of 2022