Heiwa71: Zero-G Classic Spaceball
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Conscription Order
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Enhanced Interrogation
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Psychological Warfare
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Means to an End
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Restricted Affect
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Perpetual Business Model
nolnet: Toy Soldiers: The Lasting Memories
Bippity Bricks: Alice Finch and her castle
Bippity Bricks: Sirius Black's escape
Bippity Bricks: Astronomy Tower
Bippity Bricks: Boathouse
Bippity Bricks: Snape leaving the common room
Bippity Bricks: Hogwarts
P3-K4: Neo Blacktron I - Variants
SkyWalter: Barad-dûr (2011)
Blake's Baericks: Rivendell
Xenomurphy: Lord of the Rings - Three is Company 01
Lego.Skrytsson: Turning Torso in mico-scale.
mikahsargent: A fun retro background for you!
Bart De Dobbelaer: Excavation
Human_Descent: 2007 10 31 Well balanced
Human_Descent: Crocust
Human_Descent: 2009 09 26 spidat
Human_Descent: 2009 12 05 Spike
Human_Descent: 2010 01 24 Jet Dolphin
Eric the wanderer: a wolfguard lead the space scouts
Linus Never Dies: emipre_shy20110204_small
Louie Tommo: Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos