*dans: 林益仁:從司馬庫斯「櫸木事件」來談傳統領域
Taiwan Presidential Office: 05.29 副總統為「美國紐澤西州亞太中心開幕酒會」錄製致詞影片
Taiwan Presidential Office: 05.09 總統為「日華議員懇談會」113年年度總會錄製致詞影片
Yowyi: Keelung Port
Taiwan Presidential Office: 12.18 總統府公布113年總統、副總統賀年卡
Taiwan Presidential Office: 09.26 總統接見「澳洲國會跨黨派參眾議員訪問團」
roentarre: Kawaguchiko watching Mount Fuji by Panasonic G9 + Leica 12-60mm f2.8-4
Taiwan Presidential Office: 07.26 總統視導「漢光38號演習」聯合截擊作戰實彈操演
Taiwan Presidential Office: 06.10 總統在「哥本哈根民主高峰會」發表視訊演說
Trevor Dobson: Milky Way at Quairading, Western Australia
*dans: Rally Held in Taipei to Protest the Invasion of Ukraine
TEIA - 台灣環境資訊協會: 《水獺與朋友記得的事》P.95 野生動物急救與收容_配圖
roentarre: Nullawil Silo Art, Victoria, Australia by Sony A7RIV + Laowa 9mm f5.6
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Looks at a ‘Black Eye’ Galaxy
Jerry Liu: 高雄市夜景
Kelly Cheng: Bhutan-150102-551
Taiwan Presidential Office: 12.07 總統出席「屏東高工校友返校日活動」
MaxChu: 2019.08.11 台北 / 鼻頭角燈塔
Daniel Trim: Horned Ghost Crab
SASPhotography67: Phantom Flight... {Explored}
Debi Del Grande: COURTNEY BARNETT-EL REY 11-04-14-41
*dans: Taipei skyline and cityscape 2018
keepergo68: IMG_1739
azproduction: Wolf Link
Taiwan Presidential Office: 12.02 總統與美國總統當選人唐納川普(Donald J. Trump)通話
mboogiedown: K I M I K A : Pink Spring
albert dros: Classic Colours of Italy
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Behemoth Black Hole Found in an Unlikely Place