david3108: Wenchang Shrine 文昌祠
david3108: Placing incense
david3108: Saying prayers
david3108: Colorful collection of gods
david3108: Colorful temple god
david3108: People praying
david3108: Making request to the gods
david3108: Men praying
david3108: Movement in the temple
david3108: Incense and prayers
david3108: A small ritual
david3108: Checking the offerings
david3108: Sunlight streams through the smoke
david3108: Man blessing new car
david3108: Zhenlan Temple 鎮瀾宮
david3108: Parade approaches the temple
david3108: Dancing outside the temple
david3108: Door of the temple
david3108: Wind turbines on the coast
david3108: Driftwood and desolation