david3108: Remembering 228
david3108: 228 exhibition at What is justice?
david3108: 御飯團 guitarist
david3108: S.O.D. bass player
david3108: S.O.D. guitarist
david3108: Bugs of Phonon 聲子蟲
david3108: Bugs of Phonon at What is Justice?
david3108: Solemn
david3108: The Hindsight
david3108: 光景消逝 @ 正義是啥米
david3108: The Hindsight guitarist
david3108: The Hindsight
david3108: Crowd participation
david3108: 滅火器 @ 正義是啥米
david3108: Fire-Ex 滅火器
david3108: Fire-Ex @ What is Justice?
david3108: Fire-Ex
david3108: Fire-Ex
david3108: And the crowd goes wild!
david3108: Solemn scream!
david3108: Solemn guitarist
david3108: Solemn 恕
david3108: Solemn
david3108: Solemn
david3108: Guitar hero!
david3108: Solemn bass
david3108: Solemn 恕
david3108: Solemn 恕
david3108: Wendy of Solemn
david3108: ChthoniC 正義是啥米