david3108: 綠島之星
david3108: Green Island solar power
david3108: 綠洲山莊
david3108: 毋忘在莒
david3108: White lily
david3108: 十三中隊
david3108: The way to the Swallow Cave
david3108: Green Island sea and sky
david3108: Watch out for the crabs!
david3108: Green Island
david3108: Green Island prison
david3108: Green Island prison old building
david3108: Green Island prison cell
david3108: Green Island prison
david3108: Green Island view
david3108: Green Island rock formation
david3108: Green Island scenery
david3108: Green Island rocks along the coast
david3108: Green Island coast
david3108: Green Island coastline
david3108: Human Rights Memorial
david3108: 1979
david3108: Panai and Nabu
david3108: Panai
david3108: Nabu
david3108: Green Island coastal scenery
david3108: Green Island Human Rights Memorial