david3108: Police march past 7-11
david3108: Police line on Zhongshan North Road
david3108: Police line at the Grand Formosa Regent
david3108: Police outside the Grand Formosa Regent
david3108: Police line with shields
david3108: Police line
david3108: One side, one country
david3108: So many police
david3108: ROC in distress
david3108: Falun Dafa protest
david3108: Police moving
david3108: Police on the move
david3108: Free Tibet
david3108: Riot police move forward
david3108: Riot police marching
david3108: Behind police lines
david3108: Listen to me everybody
david3108: Line of shields
david3108: Police helmets
david3108: Helmets of riot police
david3108: Sit down protest
david3108: Police move on protester
david3108: Police drag away protestors
david3108: Carry them away
david3108: Police in riot gear
david3108: Police and Louis Vuitton
david3108: Scene on Zhongshan North Road