david3108: On the edge of the mountains
david3108: Slate house
david3108: Slate building materials.
david3108: Slate works
david3108: Dinner?
david3108: Rukai design
david3108: The main street of Dona.
david3108: Mountain view
david3108: Slate architrave
david3108: 阿拉民宿
david3108: A little village in the mountains
david3108: Studying the map
david3108: Slate gate
david3108: Stone age BBQ
david3108: Dona Suspension Bridge
david3108: Blue sky and bridge
david3108: Long span
david3108: Motorbikes allowed
david3108: Colorful
david3108: Meiya valley
david3108: Suspension bridge
david3108: Meiya Bridge 美雅橋
david3108: Meiya Waterfall 美雅瀑布
david3108: Wan Shan village
david3108: 美濃客家文物館
david3108: Liugui tunnels
david3108: Ben on his bike
david3108: Monkey
david3108: Dona Panorama
david3108: Bike in the museum