david3108: Bike Smiling
david3108: Smiles at Bike Smiling
david3108: Taipei Arena
david3108: Bike lift
david3108: Double bike lift
david3108: Bikes in lights
david3108: Bike Smiling
david3108: Bike Smiling Taipei March 2008
david3108: Okogreen Cafe
david3108: Bike talking
david3108: Crossing the bridge
david3108: Arriving in Sanchong
david3108: Freedom in motion
david3108: Don't eat oil 免呷油
david3108: Flag on a bike
david3108: Fair Trade
david3108: Notice
david3108: Dunhua Road bike path under construction
david3108: Street Surfer on the street
david3108: Bike shop
david3108: Riding on the footpath
david3108: Tw-Bents recumbent bike
david3108: Under construction
david3108: Funny thing
david3108: Bikes on the road
david3108: Recumbent on the road
david3108: Recumbent Bike Smiling :-)
david3108: Dog on Bike Smiling
david3108: Dunhua North Road bike path preparation