david3108: COSWAS and no CO2
david3108: Police briefing
david3108: Green Party flag
david3108: Carbon free transport
david3108: Golden vest and hat
david3108: Singer
david3108: ISKCON banner
david3108: Climate change action and 101
david3108: Big crowd
david3108: COSWAS flag
david3108: End of the march
david3108: Vice-President Lu
david3108: Legislative election candidates
david3108: Calvin
david3108: Sex workers against CO2
david3108: TSU group start to march
david3108: Green Party vest
david3108: Bare ass
david3108: Crazy guy
david3108: Climate Change Taiwan Cares!
david3108: Late afternoon
david3108: Love V Cycling Team
david3108: Annette Lu
david3108: Colorful COSWAS