David M:: Storm over Cromer
David M:: Capuring the light.
David M:: Walking the dog
David M:: Stormy sea.
David M:: Stormy seas.
David M:: Salthouse
David M:: Burnham Overy Staithe 1
David M:: A glimpse of Walcott
David M:: Timelapse at Brancaster Staithe.
David M:: Morning coffee.
David M:: Home grown tomatoes
David M:: Windy day on the North Norfolk Coast 030921
David M:: Market sourdough.
David M:: Heading home
David M:: Walking the dog 3.
David M:: Afternoon walk.
David M:: East beach walk.
David M:: Afternoon stroll.
David M:: Walking by the shore.
David M:: Walking by the sea.
David M:: Bird on a stick.
David M:: Out of the light
David M:: Chives
David M:: Mr. Teas
David M:: Ferry
David M:: Coffee on the pier
David M:: Fishing hut
David M:: The grazing sheep
David M:: Sunny winter day.
David M:: Brisk walk.