IanAWood: The grave of Crumpton and Helen Nunn
bmse: Hot pursuit!
ORYXphotography: Backlit Puku by Marius Coetzee
ORYXphotography: Frog & Mokoro by Dale Morris
Tim Melling: At last, a Green Hairstreak that isn't sat on Bilberry!
Tim Melling: Magnificent Hummingbird
iamfisheye: Feeding Frenzy
Tim Melling: Catching some rays
lozwilkes: IMG_0649
f0rbe5: Peregrine Falcon
Alan MacKenzie: Ballet at Low Tide
Baractus: 4 Snow Leopards!
erikinlondon: Transaction
erikinlondon: DSCF1299.jpg
TimBrook | Photo: Chopper
Nature Exposed: Long-tailed Skua, Stercorarius longicaudus
Tim Melling: Tufted Puffin
Tim Melling: Angelica Peacock
Alan MacKenzie: One's Fallow Men
Tim Melling: Water Rail
Lord V: Migrant hawkerdragonfly #5
Nature Exposed: Common Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Tim Melling: Bluethroat singing
shontz photography: I love this sh*t