David McSporran:
The start of the Gleann na Sguaib foresty track near Inverlael
David McSporran:
Gleann na Sguaib with Meall nan Ceapraichean (L) and Beinn Dearg (R)
David McSporran:
The rounded summit dome of Meall Dubh from the south-west
David McSporran:
Lochan near the summit of Meall Dubh
David McSporran:
Seana Bhraigh (left of centre) from the summit of Meall Dubh
David McSporran:
The Coigach and Assynt hills from the summit of Meall Dubh
David McSporran:
The summit cairn on Meall Dubh
David McSporran:
Eididh nan Clach Geala (L) and Meall nan Ceapraichean (R) from the track to the SW of Meall Dubh
David McSporran:
Meall nan Ceapraichean (L) and Beinn Dearg (R) from the track to the north Glensguaib