David McSporran: Schiehallion from the summit of Dun Coillich
David McSporran: The summit cairn on Dun Coillich with Scheihallion beyonf
David McSporran: The summit cairn on Dun Coillich looking west to the Corbett Meall Tairneachan
David McSporran: Dun Coillich from the community car park just off the B846
David McSporran: The unimpressive summit of Drumcroy Hill
David McSporran: Schiehallion from the summit of Drumcroy Hill
David McSporran: The summit of Drumcroy Hill looking to the Corbett Beinn a' Chuallaich
David McSporran: Schiehallion from Drumcroy Hill
David McSporran: The summit of Creag nam Mial
David McSporran: Large cairn on Creag nam Mial looking to the summit (left)
David McSporran: Large cairn near the summit of Creag nam Mial looking north
David McSporran: Creag nam Mial from the north
David McSporran: Pitcarmick Loch, Creag nam Mial to the left
David McSporran: The summit cairn on Meall Mor with Mount Blair to the left
David McSporran: Post walk pint at Corrour Station
David McSporran: The Mamores (L) and Ben Nevis (R) from the summit of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: The Munros Stob Coire Easain (L) and Stob a' Choire Mheadhoin (R) from the summit of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: The Munros Stob Coire Sgriodain (L) and Chno Dearg (R) from the summit of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: The summit cairn on Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: Lochain below the summit of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: Loch Ossian from the SW ridge of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: The west end of Loch Ossian from the south west flank of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: Leum Uilleim from the south west flank of Beinn na Lap
David McSporran: Sign near the west end of Loch Ossian
David McSporran: Beinn na Lap from the west end of Loch Ossian
David McSporran: Looking east along Loch Ossian
David McSporran: Beinn na Lap from the west end of Loch Ossian
David McSporran: Leum Uilleim above Corrour Station
David McSporran: Beinn an Lap from Corrour Station
David McSporran: Corrour Station