David Lee Short: The San Juan range
David Lee Short: The Last Dollar Ranch
David Lee Short: Ranching in the Rocky Mountains
David Lee Short: Colorado Country Road
David Lee Short: 1928 Ford--needs work
David Lee Short: Autumn Aspen
David Lee Short: Bent Aspen
David Lee Short: On the Grand Mesa
David Lee Short: On the Grand Mesa
David Lee Short: Keebler pass
David Lee Short: Near Gunnison Colorado
David Lee Short: Kebler Pass
David Lee Short: Kebler Pass
David Lee Short: Kebler Pass, Colorado
David Lee Short: Beaver pond, Grand Mesa
David Lee Short: IMG_7757
David Lee Short: IMG_7739-2
David Lee Short: IMG_7208-2
David Lee Short: Chimney Peak
David Lee Short: On the Colorado National Monument
David Lee Short: On the Colorado National Monument
David Lee Short: On the Colorado National Monument
David Lee Short: Sunset On The North Face
David Lee Short: Ward Creek
David Lee Short: Autumn Hilside