Esther Seijmonsbergen: Rotterdam, the place to be!
isayx3: Christmas 2013
heavenuphere: sheep portrait
Dani℮l: Into Winter
Dani℮l: Open
smashred: When I think of bad weather, this is the image that comes to mind. Day turned to night, hillsides turned to mudslides, leaves and twigs became missiles, I couldn't see or hear anything but the storm. Weather is the loose subject of our first collaboration
smashred: One of my favorite climbs ever: Männlichen in the Berner Oberland. It's a great climb to the saddle in its own right, but it's the final push on steep dirt where it becomes unforgettable.
Walter Watzpatzkowski: R'U talking to me?
© Sam.Seyffert: Rotterdam - Delftse Poort building
BrittvandeL: In the mist
BrittvandeL: Work of art; dirty windows.
BrittvandeL: Busje komt zo
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: We Disappear Into The Night
guzmeje: Oil Man