spiralflmz: lakewood winter1, mpls MN
MadonnaJ: YES greeted the New Year Wroclaw
MadonnaJ: Winter in Poland
raylincoln1: Palette
BYOTA !: A mon p'tit caillou je dis tout ..
BYOTA !: I will save you from every melancholy...
BYOTA !: with the Newspaper ...
MadonnaJ: Merry Christmas
MadonnaJ: Christmas is coming
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Mt. Fuji & Miho no Matsubara 三保松原眺望海岸與富士山 in Japan Shizuoka . 日本靜岡清水市 DSC_3760
BYOTA !: The Home of Peace ..
BYOTA !: Mon amour de septembre ..
MadonnaJ: Santa Claus is coming to town..
- Ali Rankouhi: La Première Neige
BYOTA !: Migratory sparrow 1 .. the prayer
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 冬季限定.夜晚的山中湖 花の都公園 night of Yamanakako Hananomiyako Flower Park DSC_5431
BYOTA !: A dance before bedtime ..
m43photos: Petit bonhomme vert / Pedestrian trafic light
m43photos: Smartleaf
m43photos: Coluche
m43photos: Voutes vertignieuses / Vertiginous vaults
MadonnaJ: The St Andrew Day
Ming - chun ( very busy ): maple with old bridge 修善寺虎溪橋與桂川(新井旅館) in Japan Shizuoka 靜岡伊豆 DSC_6895
fcdvpds: Sunset
sbabic911- A bit busy...Sorry..: Forest meditation....