davidh-j: IMGP6084 Mosquito clinging to leaf
davidh-j: IMGP5745 Robber fly
davidh-j: IMGP7503 Fruit fly on windfall apple or pear
davidh-j: IMGP7495 Fruit fly on windfall apple or pear
davidh-j: IMGP7491 Fruit fly on windfall apple or pear
davidh-j: IMGP7220a Hoverfly egg on dogwood leaf
davidh-j: IMGP7219 Hoverfly egg and aphid nymph on dogwood leaf
davidh-j: IMGP7218a Hoverfly egg and aphid nymph on dogwood leaf
davidh-j: IMGP7217a Hoverfly egg and aphid nymph on dogwood leaf
davidh-j: IMGP7192a Resting fly
davidh-j: IMGP7109 A Dolichopodid fly resting on leaf
davidh-j: IMGP7107 A Dolichopodid fly resting on leaf
davidh-j: IMGP7054 Resting fruit fly
davidh-j: IMGP7052 Resting fruit fly
davidh-j: IMGP7051 Resting fruit fly
davidh-j: IMGP6748 Fly resting
davidh-j: IMGP6736 Drosophila sp on windfall pear
davidh-j: IMGP6733 Drosophila sp on windfall pear
davidh-j: IMGP6729 Drosophila sp on windfall pear
davidh-j: IMGP6726 Drosophila sp on windfall pear
davidh-j: IMGP6718 Drosophila sp on windfall pear
davidh-j: IMGP3906 Freshly emerged Stratiomys potamida-a soldier fly
davidh-j: IMGP3902 Freshly emerged Stratiomys potamida-a soldier fly
davidh-j: IMGP3899 Freshly emerged Stratiomys potamida-a soldier fly
davidh-j: IMGP3897 Freshly emerged Stratiomys potamida-a soldier fly
davidh-j: IMGP6666 Another fruit fly with fungal infection on windfall apple
davidh-j: IMGP6665 Another fruit fly with fungal infection on windfall apple
davidh-j: IMGP6655 Another fruit fly with fungal infection on windfall apple
davidh-j: IMGP6654 Another fruit fly with fungal infection on windfall apple
davidh-j: IMGP6365 Fly grooming