davidh-j: IMG_2456 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2449 Velvet mite with psocid prey
davidh-j: IMG_2442 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2421 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2420 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2415 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2409 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2405 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2404 Velvet mite exploring wooden post
davidh-j: IMG_2401 Velvet mite with psocid prey
davidh-j: IMG_2396 Velvet mite with psocid prey
davidh-j: IMG_2377 Weevil on the woodpile
davidh-j: IMG_2391 Resting hoverfly
davidh-j: IMG_2370 Weevil on the woodpile
davidh-j: IMG_2304 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtail
davidh-j: IMG_2295 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtail
davidh-j: IMG_2294 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtail
davidh-j: IMG_2291 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtail
davidh-j: IMG_2275 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtails
davidh-j: IMG_2274 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtails
davidh-j: IMG_2267 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtail
davidh-j: IMG_2263 Deuterosminthurus pallipes springtail
davidh-j: IMG_2262 Harpocera thoracica nymph - a mirid bug
davidh-j: IMG_2254 Harpocera thoracica nymph - a mirid bug
davidh-j: IMG_2248 Harpocera thoracica nymph - a mirid bug
davidh-j: IMG_2244 Harpocera thoracica nymph - a mirid bug
davidh-j: IMG_2241 Harpocera thoracica nymph - a mirid bug
davidh-j: IMG_2238 Harpocera thoracica nymph - a mirid bug
davidh-j: IMG_2211 Heliophanus sp - a jumping spider
davidh-j: IMG_2209 Heliophanus sp - a jumping spider