Marco Restivo: Crateri sommitali in coro
Marco Restivo: Cratere di Sud-Est
Marco Restivo: Dirty thunderstorm - Etna
deepskyblue86: Monte Nero degli Zappini
Dalantech: Wool Carder Bee Series 1-1
Holger Losekann: Gertelbach Wasserfall, Schwarzwald-7274
Dalantech: Beetle at 2x II
Holger Losekann: Sternenhimmel mit Milchstraße am Aoraki Gebirge Neuseeland - Milkyway and stars at Mt. Cook Aoraki NZL -3432
Lo_straniero: Colours & Beauty
Lo_straniero: Vanessa II
Dalantech: Fly at 4x and F16
Holger Losekann: Schmetterling - Butterfly-6874
Dalantech: Shield Bug Series 1-2
Lo_straniero: Ilaria II
Dalantech: Male Banded Eye Drone Hoverfly II
Dalantech: Feeding Carpenter Bee Series 1-4
Lo_straniero: Ilaria
Dalantech: Feeding Bumblebee on a Sunflower
Holger Losekann: Neuseeland - New Zealand Mount Cook SNS-HDR
Lo_straniero: Reverendo
Dalantech: Feeding Polinator
Dalantech: Fireworks
etnaboris: Strombolicchio and the fisherman
Dalantech: Grasshopper Mugshot
Dalantech: Red Velvet Mite
Stephen J O'Brien: James Street Underground
Marco Restivo: Cratere di SudEst
Etna Walk: Parossismo - 16/17 Novembre 2013