daviddb: cwm in the garden
daviddb: pruning the walnut tree
daviddb: beetroot and plums
daviddb: produce basket
daviddb: The chanterelle grove
daviddb: cherry girl
daviddb: Martin in the Grove of Inkcaps
daviddb: a man and his spuds
daviddb: Mrs B gardens!
daviddb: in the november snow
daviddb: Daviddb in the orchard shed
daviddb: racquet test
daviddb: allen oxford autoscythe
daviddb: girl with new seasons beets
daviddb: Mrs B.'s birthday present....
daviddb: man with big rock & working arrosage looking damned pleased with himself
daviddb: Mrs B and one of three boxes of cherries
daviddb: parsnips man & boy
daviddb: Daviddb lounging in the orchard
daviddb: This weekend, 17-18 mar 07 I've mainly been...
daviddb: The Last Parsnip......
daviddb: reminder of winter.....
daviddb: too hot to garden....
daviddb: river garden in flood
daviddb: This week I have mainly been.....
daviddb: this week she has mainly been .....
daviddb: the last fresh carrots?
daviddb: new seasons parsnips
daviddb: The Christmas break and a girls thoughts.....
daviddb: a one armed chair.