** David Chin **: Full-resolution Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1 photo gallery at LetsGoDigital
** David Chin **: Gallery of full-sized GH1 photo samples
** David Chin **: Lamb Stew
** David Chin **: WebFaction symbolic applications pointing to the public folder of Laravel 4 apps
** David Chin **: Welcome message from Laravel 4 running on WebFaction
** David Chin **: Wild boar curry
** David Chin **: Two Laravel 4 apps installed in a common folder
** David Chin **: Ayam percik rice set
** David Chin **: Nasi kerabu with ayam percik
** David Chin **: In my moving car
** David Chin **: Smoked Duck Breast - sliced whole smoked duck breast with orange sauce
** David Chin **: Sabah Tea Teh Tarik
** David Chin **: Python and water
** David Chin **: Apple.com - Thirty years of Mac
** David Chin **: Curry laksa noodles—the real deal
** David Chin **: Download the original (old), awesome, Skitch Plus version 1
** David Chin **: Timed (delayed) window capture with Skitch Plus version 1 in OS X 10.9 Mavericks on the Mac
** David Chin **: Click on Universal Code
** David Chin **: DIsqus comment section
** David Chin **: Paste Disqus code into disqus.tpl file
** David Chin **: The disqus.tpl file
** David Chin **: Copy Disqus code for pasting into disqus.tpl file
** David Chin **: no_comments parameter
** David Chin **: Register your website with Disqus
** David Chin **: Link to contact page in navigation bar
** David Chin **: The navbar.tpl file
** David Chin **: Paste Enkoder-encoded email text in contact page
** David Chin **: Create an empty contact.md file
** David Chin **: Beef thingy
** David Chin **: Inside White House Kitchen