David Strandberg Minneapolis: More from the park. Sanaya and Avi.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: More from the park. Sanaya and Avi.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Aviante at two years old. Thanks for letting me play with you and your family at the park today.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Sanaya is the daughter of a young man who has played a big role in the life of my family. It was a treat to take some photos of her, her little brother and father today.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Was doing some work in the woods along the creek in my backyard. Three eagles flew in and stopped in a tree to see what I was up to. They stayed long enough for me to go into the house, grab my camera, put on a longer lens, get back and take some shots.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Retrieve it like you mean it.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Koda last summer. It was a wet one.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Hanging out in the truck.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Koda all business-like.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Grizzly's birthday hunt. It's been a great tradition. Here's to many more.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Grizzly's birthday hunt. It's been a great tradition. Here's to many more.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: When the hunting gets tough the tough take a nap.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Koda and his duck. Friends for life.
David Strandberg Minneapolis: Koda and his new field blind. He's liking' it.