david5stones: Me and Katrina - taken by @winnie_thong on Saturday, when she was 6 months old! #DavidLeicaM #Leica #KatrinaJiaEn #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicamylife #leicamybestshot #leicastoresg #newborn #baby #parents #parenting #parents #sixmonths
david5stones: Moving to a new milestone in her life at 6 months old - eating (somewhat) solid food... #DavidLeicaM #Leica #KatrinaJiaEn #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicamylife #leicamybestshot #leicastoresg #newborn #baby #parents #parenting #parents #sixm
david5stones: #Weekend is here! #DavidLeicaM #KatrinaJiaEn #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #leicamybestshot #leicamylife #LeicaSG #leicastoresg #baby #newborn #parents #parenting #kids #cutebaby
david5stones: Gloomy skies for most of today was a stark contrast to the beautiful light earlier this morning! Lights, shadows, lines at Marina Bay Sands.... #DavidLeicaM #blackandwhite #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #streets #streetphotography #wearethestreet #marinabay
david5stones: Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Information and Communication touring the various booths at Innovfest Unbound 2017. Lots of Internet of Things stuff here - Smart Nation, are we there yet? #IoT #smartnation #innovfestunbound #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #Lei
david5stones: Good morning everyone πŸ˜πŸ˜„β˜ΊοΈ #streets #streetphotography #wearethestreet #blackandwhite #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicamylife #leicamybestshot #leicastoresg
david5stones: Sk8er Boi, with apologies to Avril Lavigne πŸ˜‚ My companies try to overcome the limitations of their EVF only cameras with technology. But my Leica M already has the highest resolution no-blackout viewfinder with unlimited dynamic range allowing for ta
david5stones: As seen on Leica User Group Singapore (LUGS) Ranking Chart for April lol! #LUGS #outing #photography #LeicaSG #leicastoresg #LeicaCamera
david5stones: She looks pretty serious as she studies the screen and slams on the keyboard lol! Behold, my new photo editor who will help cull my images and meta-tag them :p PS: she managed to load up Apple Maps - I suspect she is planning her first trip abroad :jo
david5stones: Happy Birthday to my beloved wife and best friend in the world Winnie. Thank you for being such a great wife and an awesome mother to our baby Katrina! 😍😍😍 I thank God for you everyday - you have made me a better person an
david5stones: Another busy but fun filled weekend spent with Katrina and @winnie_thong told in pictures - from the moment Katrina wakes up in the morning, to bringing her out to meet friends, go church, and yes, even visit the Leica store - she is my constant muse, as
david5stones: Stronger - no matter what happens, it's back to church as usual on the weekend, just as it was for the past 17.5 years for me. 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 Cast Down but Unconquered But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power m
david5stones: Don't say #bojio πŸ˜‚ Banana stall, Little India 2017 #DavidLeicaM #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #streets #streetphotography #monochrom #blackandwhite #wearethestreet #leicambs #leicamylife #LeicaSG #leicastoresg
david5stones: Compared to today, light was awesome 2 days ago, early in the morning at Bedok Reservoir. #DavidLeicaM #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #parks #gardens #singapore #streets #streetphotography #bedok #reservoir #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicamylife #leicamybestshot #l
david5stones: Sleepy afternoon. Little India 2017 #DavidLeicaM #streets #streetphotography #blackandwhite #Leica #monochrom #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicamylife #leicamybestshot #leicastoresg #leicambs #35mm
david5stones: The reason why I love the rangefinder camera so much, is because once it becomes part of one's muscle memory, operating it is automatic, and one can use it without actually thinking. My lens was pre-focused to 2m (my preferred working distance) but for t
david5stones: I think I just watched possibly, the game that will be the turning point of Jose Mourinho's career at Manchester United - everyone thinks United will just crumble under the Chelsea juggernaut again like how it happened at Stamford Bridge. (And I must admi
david5stones: Musicians #2 - Easter Service at #CHC #chcsg #chchome #chcmychurchmylife #mychurchmylife #easter #Resurrection #church #Christ #christians #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicastoresg #leicamylife #leicamybestshot
david5stones: Musicians #1, Easter Service at #CHC #chcsg #chchome #chcmychurchmylife #mychurchmylife #easter #Resurrection #church #Christ #christians #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicastoresg #leicamylife #leicamybestshot
david5stones: The story told every Easter, the death, burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glad to have the chance to serve yet again, and to have my wife @winnie_thong serving and photographing alongside me. Heb 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and f
david5stones: Urban living. Toa Payoh, Singapore #urbanphotography #toapayoh #tpy #streetphotography #streets #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #LeicaSG #leicastoresg #leicambs #leicamylife #leicamybestshot
david5stones: Puppy love. Botanic Gardens 2017 #DavidLeicaM #Leica #LeicaCamera #LeicaM #streets #streetphotography #gardens #Parks #botanicgardens #LeicaSG #leicambs #leicamylife #leicastoresg #LeicaSG #dogs #dogsofinstgram #puppies #love #puppylove
david5stones: At 5 months and 3 days old, Katrina is putting her new found ability to turn on her stomach to good use - here she is watching intently as Marcus Rashford celebrates with Zlatan Ibrahimovic after slotting home the third goal in a resounding 3-0 victory ov
david5stones: I have been photographing a lot of our local parks since the start of 2017, and I thought this would just be a phase, until I remembered I spent a lot of time in the various parks of Tokyo as well whenever I was there. Maybe there is a Gardens project i
david5stones: Tis' was a hazy morning today. Today I hit the streets once again for my #toapayoh project, and I think the thick haze made everything seem more surreal. #tpy #wearethestreet #streetphotography #streets #Leica #LeicaM #LeicaCamera #leicamylife #leicamybes
david5stones: Last night, unbeknownst to me, Katrina flipped herself into this position after I placed her down on our bed and looked away for a second. #KatrinaJiaEn #achievement_unlocked #levelup She proceeded to attempt to move herself by crawling, though the groun
david5stones: Got a call for a routine event shoot this morning - however, today's job will not be so routine anymore because my wife and baby are coming along as well! πŸ˜‚#assignment #work #family #dtwt_family #KatrinaJiaEn
david5stones: Katrina not too impressed with current video conferencing technology πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Looking forward to seeing her and @winnie_thong in person again when I am back in Singapore! #KatrinaJiaEn #travel #dtwt_family
david5stones: Last work trip of FY16/17. Gate is opened but I haven't finished my drink... grrr... #travel #work #shotoniphone
david5stones: Morning walk with buddies from the Leica Users Group Singapore at GBTB! #LUGS #leicastoresg #leica #leicaM #DavidLeicaM #leicacamera #leicamylife #leicambs