National Library of Australia Commons: Three lonely strays find a lost brother after a blizzard [Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914]
Wolfgang Wiggers: CDV France (?) 1860s
batuda: One day reflected
Hengki Koentjoro: Tengger Tribe
sp_clarke: undrowned
Thiophene_Guy: (animated stereo) Firing the kiln, early 1900s
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections: 16645 - Morehouse's Comet, Photographed at Yerkes Observatory
North East Museums: Mauretania Construction
Thiophene_Guy: (animated stereo) Luna Park at night, 1904
Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library Archives: Wilson's Second Inauguration
Ola Harström: Åresjön milky way
Thiophene_Guy: (animated stereo) Diving during the Gilded Age, 1892
Thiophene_Guy: (animated stereo) Firefighters in burning San Francisco, 1906
awcam: Compass - lens retracted
heritagefutures: Frankfurt 4 May 1945
Peter Hauri: Moonless
Peter Hauri: Beneath The Stars Tonight
padesig: Parco degli acquedotti