davekonig: #DVaMain
davekonig: It's an #ambulanz thing
davekonig: #BandBClassic 2nd Level #WokInTheStadium
davekonig: #BandBClassic #Cheesecake #Bacon #Drop
davekonig: It's too sunny out #TheDayIsMyEnemy #LikeAFett
davekonig: The magic is gone... #UnicornFrappuccino
davekonig: #UnicornFrappuccino #RainbowBagel #FTW
davekonig: It's a good day... #VerizonUnlimited
davekonig: #Siri says so... therefore it must be true #Election2016 #UnitedStatesOfAmerica 🗽
davekonig: The #iPhone7 Portrait mode makes my ice coffee look beautiful!!! #Beta #dunkindonuts
davekonig: Someone @enterprise_inspires thought it was a good idea to give this #Charger to me for the day... and they absolutely rock for it! #Returned #OnePiece #Want #ZeroToSeventy #NoBears #NewsFootageWasPhotoshopped #ISwear
davekonig: It's 37 degrees. #unamused
davekonig: What can you do when waiting for your plain? #Reuben #Sliders #ftw
davekonig: My favorite critic #Tweety #catsofinstagram
davekonig: Obviously writing "Does Not Contain Real Currency" wasn't printed large enough... #marketing
davekonig: It's a #bagel. Made out of a #rainbow. #winning #Sunday
davekonig: The difference a year makes...
davekonig: It's an #11Q thing... cruising the park... #SavingLives... #StampingOutDisease... picking up #Pokemon #usopen
davekonig: Made it to the top! #archgoals
davekonig: Getting my BBQ with a super large #MtDew
davekonig: @ripleythepawrtist giving me #TheGreenEye #catsofinstagram #princess #calico
davekonig: It was a 2x🌈 a year ago tonight
davekonig: It's a #94IDA thing...
davekonig: "Look into my eyes #hooman... air conditioner leave on you will... #Brita water in the bowl you will place... #fur you will brush... #cake you will receive..." #TheCakeIsALie #catsofinstagram
davekonig: #Truth
davekonig: Just another #MyEMSDay
davekonig: It's been 7 years since my last gig on #TheIslandOfMisfitToys but not much has changed except the color of the shirt. Oh... and now there are chocolate donuts! #PagsApproved
davekonig: #NYPD is apparently using #RinglingBros best practices for future radio mobile patrols... #ClownCar
davekonig: "Oh hooman, did u want to get in here for u ice koob? Nope. Koob dunai," says Tweety #catsofinstagram #morningicedcoffee #SheHatesMe
davekonig: It's too early... #perched #catsofinstagram