NIARK1: autoportrait
NIARK1: DSC_0400
scottbergeyart: # 1287 "That Song"
scottbergeyart: # 1290 "Control"
scottbergeyart: # 1294 "Waiting 3"
scottbergeyart: # 1295 "Waiting 4"
scottbergeyart: # 1296 "Waiting 5"
_ZoKoS_: Zahorí
pemorama!: The Cocktail & the Runaway
pemorama!: Travelling
Jessie Starling: Background 1
Patrick Barber: Decayed posters on phone pole I
"Fragments pictosophiques": εntropyıng mεmory▲crεatıvıty plεats . .
meatyochre: dead billboard
meatyochre: better for a
"Fragments pictosophiques": rhızomıng thε mεdıan vacuum plεats . .
JudyGr: entropy