JB Barton: American Dipper - Kenai Peninsula Co., Alaska
CapeHatterasNPS: Cold-stunned sea turtle near Ramp 55
CapeHatterasNPS: Hauled-out harp seal near Ramp 27
CapeHatterasNPS: Grey Seal Hauled-Out Salvo 03-31-2020
CapeHatterasNPS: Great Horned Owl near Ramp 59 on Ocracoke Island 04-01-2020
CapeHatterasNPS: American oystercatcher breeding pair on Ocracoke Island
CapeHatterasNPS: Wilson's plover
CapeHatterasNPS: Massive flight of cormorants loitering on Bodie Island Spit
CapeHatterasNPS: American oystercatcher two-egg nest located south of Ramp 27 on Hatteras Island
CapeHatterasNPS: 2-egg least tern nest on South Point
CapeHatterasNPS: American oystercatcher chick (1 day old) east of South Beach Road on Hatteras Island
CapeHatterasNPS: Adult American oystercatcher and chick at Cape Point
CapeHatterasNPS: Loggerhead false crawl between Ramps 70 and 72 on Ocracoke Island
CapeHatterasNPS: Loggerhead false crawl between Ramps 70 and 72 on Ocracoke Island
CapeHatterasNPS: Loggerhead false crawl between Ramps 70 and 72 on Ocracoke Island
CapeHatterasNPS: Sand cliff south of Ramp 2
CapeHatterasNPS: 1-egg least tern nest found on 05-27-20 north of Ramp 34 during a productivity walk-through. Walk-through yielded 23 nests equaling 33 total eggs
CapeHatterasNPS: 2 unbanded piping plover observed 0.8 mi W of R55 in the small over-wash fan
CapeHatterasNPS: 1-day old American oystercatcher chicks on South Point
trekok, enjoying: Courting Terns
Floyd's World: Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Vladimir Grablev: Sunrise at Cape Hatteras
ChiDN: Cape Hatteras Lighthouse 2019
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Quit staring at my bass
Shannon Rose O'Shea: You're in my spot
JB Barton: Palm Warbler - Erie Co., NY
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Super duper cooper
JB Barton: Blackburnian Warbler - Erie Co., NY
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: 2016-04-04 P8610339 Black Vulture [Explored}