DATAFX7: Mercury capsule model, used in the film "Hidden Figures"
DATAFX7: Full sized Mercury Capsule prop, used for the film "Hidden Figures"
DATAFX7: Monsterama_20161009_0513
DATAFX7: 16406967_10211190908943776_4043076465968551214_n
DATAFX7: 16830825_10155134549348530_2138770657279019037_n
DATAFX7: DrydockandEnterprisedonetrailer
DATAFX7: Enterprise-done
DATAFX7: From Fox Searchlight's "Hidden Figures"
DATAFX7: Replica of the USS Enterprise used in pilot episode "The Cage"
DATAFX7: Replica of the USS Enterprise used in pilot episode "The Cage"
DATAFX7: IMG_20160413_134302297
DATAFX7: IMG_20160216_192117306
DATAFX7: IMG_20160210_165408912
DATAFX7: IMG_20151212_214534372
DATAFX7: IMG_20151212_214503037
DATAFX7: IMG_20151212_205730686
DATAFX7: sign comparison
DATAFX7: TRIM_20151104_223916
DATAFX7: TRIM_20151013_084524
DATAFX7: GP33ECO engines and a high nose GP-38-2 with a SD-40-2
DATAFX7: GP33ECO engines and a high nose GP-38-2 with a SD-40-2
DATAFX7: GP33ECO engines and a high nose GP-38-2 with a SD-40-2
DATAFX7: GP33ECO engines and a high nose GP-38-2 with a SD-40-2
DATAFX7: GP33ECO engines and a high nose GP-38-2 with a SD-40-2
DATAFX7: Compliment
DATAFX7: Coffin
DATAFX7: Coffin
DATAFX7: Stephanie Bedroom-finished
DATAFX7: Stephanie Bedroom-with Stephanie
DATAFX7: Tentacles 1