Vladimir Мikhalkinsky: 12 Strip Woven Ball
Rui.Roda: Yet Another Star - Jorge Jaramillo
Quentin Origami: Blackbird
oschene: Atlantic Hurricane Season, 2024
oschene: Three Kings' Star Tessellation
oschene: Harlequin Herons at the Ukrainian Consulate
oschene: Pentamerism
Sunburst2001: Monsieur Patate
Mélisande*: 12èmes rencontres d'origami à Genève
Mélisande*: Woven sphere
oschene: Chelsea IRT Tato Hyperbolic Tiling
oschene: Poincaré Bowl
Rui.Roda: Hyperbolic Parabola - John Emmet
oschene: A Star for Three Kings Day
oschene: Another Groundhog Day Star
Mélisande*: CDO convention 2022
Mélisande*: CDO convention 2022
Mélisande*: CDO convention 2022
amandine.origami: Transformation
Sunburst2001: Ciseaux
Sunburst2001: Bracelet fléché
Finwych: Flower on the crossroads
Finwych: Flower on the crossroads
oschene: Pentagonal Ellipse and Tuck Gadget
oschene: Ellipses on a Trefoil
origamigo: Syngola´s Flagstone folded by Origamigo
BenGOrigami: PXL_20220327_225455491
oschene: Humpless Harlequin Heron Base
oschene: Seven-sided Spiral Aloe
oschene: Kerensky Egg