Ricardo Menor:
The anatomy of the male
Ricardo Menor:
Annulata with surprise
Ricardo Menor:
Gomphus graslinii (Rambur, 1842)
Ricardo Menor:
Orthetrum trinacria. Young female
Ricardo Menor:
A difficult and unexpected picture
Ricardo Menor:
Hard to find
Ricardo Menor:
Young and determined
Ricardo Menor:
Interspecific tandem.
Ricardo Menor:
Savage act
Teo Martínez (temege):
La costae y el asílido / The costae and the aslido
Teo Martínez (temege):
Escenas curiosas / Curious scenes
Christian Dreifert:
Keeled Skimmer / Kleiner Blaupfeil (Orthetrum coerulescens)
Christian Dreifert:
Ornate Bluet / Vogel-Azurjungfer (Coenagrion ornatum)
Christian Dreifert:
Ornate Bluet / Vogel-Azurjungfer (Coenagrion ornatum)
Christian Dreifert:
Mating I
Christian Dreifert:
Erland R.N.:
Belonogaster sp.
Erland R.N.:
Phyllomacromia trifasciata
Erland R.N.:
Enallagma cyathigerum
Christian Dreifert:
Head of a Ghost
Christian Dreifert:
Splendid Patroller
And the winner is