bugman11: "Euthrix potatoria" - rietvink
Kutub Uddin...: Didymium sp
RTA Photography: Gullfoss (Explore 15/11/2024)
emvri85: Hamnøy à l'heure bleue [ Îles Lofoten ~ Norvège 🇳🇴 ]
schmiede.huber_Danke für 2000000 Aufrufe: Sonnenuntergang_Ossiachberg (3)
Alex88 / Check out my album of 500 favorites: Gel Relaxing at Sugba Lagoon
setsuyostar: You Just Gatta Love The Guy!
hedera.baltica: Red squirrel
dieterein: smile_
peterspencer49: Mandarin Duck (m)
Sharon Mollerus: Saint Louis Zoo 10/28/24
*Jonina*: Northern lights in Fáskrúðsfjörður
SnapsByTodd62: The Bridge and the River it Crosses