woomy world: Libra Dragon
Brickleas: Iron Tools
mijasper: Deckchair
CeciΙie: Jörmungandr
CeciΙie: Hobbiton
CeciΙie: Shenlong
CeciΙie: Strawberry Poison Dynamite Frog
midwest_builders: A Little Bit of Magic
Si-MOCs: MC Escher - Rainbow Falls
CeciΙie: Choo chooo
Pacific Brick: Lego Neptune Discovery Lab
joelfinch: The Wall
BrickinNick: Microscale Moo Moo Farm from Mario Kart 64
Legopard: Shrine of Nature
Emil Lidé: Element Experimentation: Tall Grass
gipmetro: Pecos Bill & Slue-Foot Sue
powerpig: Poolside
Catanas: Clumsy potion making
Bingo Little: CNV00015
Fictitious Pasta: A Journey Back (Collab with Ron_Dayes)
Pepa Quin: Photography setup
TheBrickAlchemist: TT R2: The Tengu
BRICK 101: Kirby
Patrick Verhaeghe: Methona confusa - Giant glasswing (UK)
František Hajdekr: How to Build a Garden Tractor with Rotary Mower (MOC - 4K)
Catanas: Bizarro fun!
Sasha's Lab: Can You Keep a Secret?
Foxy Belle: (25 of 32) General Hottie Hospital
BRICK 101: LEGO Eggs
Terovision: Fabuland Freighter