Dennisfilmphoto: Walk this Way!
lwitzansky: DSCF3352
Etna Walk: A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Marci's: Gatto Baldo
Zobbi (Busy for now): Superman watch you..
llorenç gris: YOLANDA
drLNS: "Opera di solitudine atto settimo" da domani si ritorna
Calvin Dexter: Waiting for the sunset
wasted_time: I'm the Rock
Pensiero: Metempsychosis
joseph webb: 20090517.m.66.c.f.400h.17
Fabiola Bivacqua: There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck
Angela Loporchio: Femme fatale
satanikazutaka: _DSC4743
Pensiero: I'm My Man
Dennisfilmphoto: Pause clope
mario bellavite: The Child and Old Tree