pickels370: car ride
pickels370: making an exit 2
pickels370: throwing the bouquet
pickels370: throwing garter
pickels370: getting garter
pickels370: first dance 3
pickels370: father daughter 2
pickels370: father daughter 1
pickels370: first dance 2
pickels370: cutting the cake 4
pickels370: tables
pickels370: first dance
pickels370: cutting the cake 1
pickels370: cake 1
pickels370: toast 1
pickels370: dinner
pickels370: presenting Mr and Mrs
pickels370: dance 1
pickels370: cutting the cake 3
pickels370: place cards
pickels370: champagne
pickels370: cute moment
pickels370: making an exit
pickels370: family
pickels370: cake 2
pickels370: guestbook
pickels370: toast 2
pickels370: yummy
pickels370: dance
pickels370: table