d.wilesmith: Baby Monkey in the Atlas Mountains
d.wilesmith: Croatian Gul
d.wilesmith: Lake Bled
d.wilesmith: Tar Barrels
d.wilesmith: Portishead Lighthouse
d.wilesmith: ROAR I'M A LION
d.wilesmith: Rushing water in Isle of Skye
d.wilesmith: Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye
d.wilesmith: Sunset in Burghead
d.wilesmith: There is no such thing as a fair fight; all vulnerabilities must be exploited
d.wilesmith: Gul over Prague
d.wilesmith: Red Sky in Prague
d.wilesmith: Prague Swans
d.wilesmith: Savica Waterfall
d.wilesmith: Somerset Shipwreck
d.wilesmith: The Grand Pier at sunset
d.wilesmith: Camera in Deer Park
d.wilesmith: Even the dumbest of creatures can appreciate a good sunrise
d.wilesmith: There is nowhere morning does not go
d.wilesmith: The taller the towers, the lower the morals
d.wilesmith: If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went
d.wilesmith: All journeys end up in the same place, home
d.wilesmith: Snowdonia Sunset
d.wilesmith: Portishead
d.wilesmith: We build too many walls, and not enough bridges
d.wilesmith: Skocjan Caves
d.wilesmith: No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep
d.wilesmith: Skocjan Caves
d.wilesmith: Lake Bled Sunrise
d.wilesmith: Accordion Player in Slovenia