Austin Tott: The Stranger.
Anya Maria: {Little things}
Glenn Meling: Batman & Son
Jim Salge: Snowliage 2012
Glenn Meling: Anders M. Levik
Ry": ;)=
Zack Schnepf: The Sentinel
Anya Maria: {Family}
Anya Maria: {Pure Love}
Will 46 and 2: Mesquite Sand Dunes Star Trails
Zack Schnepf: Winter Tranquility 2
Zack Schnepf: Enchanted Sky Fire (video announcement)
AllisonBarto: Day 324: Cabo Rojo Lighthouse
pdxsafariguy: Mind the Gap
Mustafa Al Shakhori: Sleepy boat
OakHead: Seventh wave
LalliSig: Under the waterfall
Glenn Meling: Mono Lake
pdxsafariguy: Ithaca is Gorges
pdxsafariguy: Tranquility
LalliSig: Venus
LalliSig: Gazing
Bogdan Mocanu: IMG_2074
Anya Maria: {Wrapped in the arms of Love}