Johntasaurus: Inciting and Inviting Morton Lochs 15 November 2018 00171.jpg
Earl Reinink: Pine Grosbeak
Johntasaurus: Kissing the Atlantic
zoomleeuwtje: Oriental
zoomleeuwtje: Misty polder
zoomleeuwtje: Infinity
frankmh: North Swedish horses
Omygodtom: Dare to be Different.
tonybill: Hydrangea
iratebadger: Oblique Outlook
Alfredo.Ruiz: Cazadores de cascadas
Earl Reinink: Six points
schneider-lein: mystic pano
iratebadger: Throw Your Curtains Wide
Ray Jennings AU: Shiga Kogen Highlands Japan
PETEJLB: Common Redstart
Sandra Herber: Port Maitland
Omygodtom: Macro-Room.
Robert Jackson Photography: Pentax 67 at Mountain Fork
Johntasaurus: Traces
Earl Reinink: A hard landing
Chiv3: Puffin