Stewf: still livin’ the dream
Thomas Hawk: Found Slide
Jef Poskanzer: switchyard
Erica _ Fischer: Rapid Transit for San Francisco: Elevated structure (1952)
Thomas Hawk: Silicon Valley Comic Con, 2016
OctaviusIII: Historic Railways of the DC, Richmond, Baltimore, and Wilmington region
cloudzilla: Fatty watching himself on TV
Hobo Matt: FRESH
ktgeek: Attic spelunking
Scott Beale: TARDIS outside of the Earl's Court Underground station in London
Hobo Matt: The old downtown skyline
Hobo Matt: 1939 LaSalle
Erica _ Fischer: Walk octagon
MTAPhotos: 7Line_2077
†JDAWG†: Old rusty
Hobo Matt: 1931 Ford Model A
mimbrava: I hate the new Flickr...but I'm going to stick around
Hobo Matt: '39 Pontiac
Hobo Matt: A cavernous Trader Joe's
Hobo Matt: Graffiti Over Dose
Hobo Matt: '74 Cadillac Eldorado convertible
Hobo Matt: '57 Chevy, $8,600
Nick Gillham: NASA941 Super Guppy
Hobo Matt: 125th Street viaduct
Erica _ Fischer: The Minnatoma Project (1948?)
Erica _ Fischer: San Francisco: Sunset Freeway (1948)
Erica _ Fischer: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Interurban Railroad: General Type of Equipment Proposed for Interurban Railroad (1933)