yannickbenassi: Berlin Blub Badeparadies
_ Adèle _: La beauté du monde
Selph ESP Crew: Decay... After this room gets a good scrubbing and paintjob, I may have a new man cave! #nofilter #urbandecay #derelict
bzar.: 9293
omesuan: canvas exchange OMESxRHYS 2
gonduras: PFERD
aluarts: Industrie-Romantik
Jilly Ballistic: Plane Crash at Graham Ave (Brooklyn bound L train)
Mateusz Rybka Art: "Present Thoughts"
Photos © Ian Cox - Wallkandy.net: A visit to #newyork isn't the same without a #panelvan, #wallkandy #graffiti #boxvan #tagging #tag #streetart #fb #f #t
Leo & Pipo: "The Mind melding of Leo & Pipo", by Joel Zuercher
Samuli Suonperä: Google for: "Empire of the City"
Samuli Suonperä: Sneaky Transporter
Samuli Suonperä: Rahareikä
Mateusz Rybka Art: "Ee Kierowniku"
Nadib Bandi: Graffiti Konstructivizm
Hans Ruijter | Visual Artist: Composite Portrait
Hans Ruijter | Visual Artist: Composite Portrait
Wakuda: If i hadn't confirmed my #hipster #dbag status before... Here are some updates to the suit.
SaT>NaRaYaN>: bombona
Assi-one: COMICS
victorybros: #durian #singapore #nosmoking #signs #greatsign
R. Scheer: "Daniel" (Acryl auf div. Verpackungen, ca. 130x160cm, 2013)