The Fallout Love: Self Portrait
The Fallout Love: Happy Birthday!!
The Fallout Love: That time in Montreal
The Fallout Love: The battle within
The Fallout Love: Strobist::AB400 camera left behind subject
The Fallout Love: Through the glass
The Fallout Love: Weekend Getaway
The Fallout Love: Sliver of light
The Fallout Love: Milky Way
The Fallout Love: Evening light
The Fallout Love: Tesla Model 3
The Fallout Love: I love blossoming apple trees, just wish the flowers lasted longer
The Fallout Love: Evening light
The Fallout Love: Apple Blossoms
The Fallout Love: Self Portrait
The Fallout Love: “Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.”
The Fallout Love: Babe on a beach
The Fallout Love: “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water...”
The Fallout Love: The last of summer light...
The Fallout Love: My 10 year old
The Fallout Love: Morning Light
The Fallout Love: "A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body"