ludwig.roemer: Im Alpsteingebirge
Gustavo Basso: Brazil Environment: Juquery in Flames
Harald Philipp: Cliff Hanger (Pentax 645Nii / MF Pro400h)
photography by Derek G: I don't photograph places or things, I photograph LIGHT
photography by Derek G: into the woods (please take time to look at the rest of my photos)
Gustavo Basso: Pantanal in Flames
lhboudreau: Montezuma Castle National Monument, Camp Verde, Arizona
Tuuur: L-47356 Ford COE "Nederlandse Spoorwegen"
lawa: 2018018_32
slothbus: OM-1n T-max 400 (pushed to 800)
Tall Guy: Let there be light.
Gaia6: Cowdray Park Sessile Oak 12.22m trunk
Swedish National Heritage Board: Town street in Auray, Britanny, France