danielnotnow1: L1000164
danielnotnow1: L1000291
danielnotnow1: Binx hiding in the leaves
danielnotnow1: New camera, new self portrait in an antique mirror.
danielnotnow1: My 93 year old mom.
danielnotnow1: Cutting concrete in the rain
danielnotnow1: The tea party 1
danielnotnow1: The tea party 2
danielnotnow1: The tea party 3
danielnotnow1: The tea party 4
danielnotnow1: The tea party 5
danielnotnow1: Binx, with ball, sunning in his favorite spot
danielnotnow1: Self portrait on wood chips.
danielnotnow1: Binx, totally focused.
danielnotnow1: A visit from a Red-tailed Hawk
danielnotnow1: Cocky Chicken
danielnotnow1: Even with its glory days in the past, still, arguably, one of the best destinations in downtown #slo. #leicam6 #ttl #summilux50mm2nd #provia100f