danidotnoah: It's the season to bring out the jellies. #❤️ #fullheartsclub
danidotnoah: Hello May.
danidotnoah: This is what we call "team bonding". #teamgoogle
danidotnoah: I just can't stop getting a kick out of these photos with #notmykid. Especially since these were take at 6am on Sunday. The kid was a natural in his first #fullheartsclub photo shoot. #lastoneIpromise
danidotnoah: #notmykid and I survived our first sleepover. This parenting thing is easy! (Just kidding, I'm exhausted. Please come get him.) #fullheartsclub
danidotnoah: . Where I do my running and my wooing. NEVER at the same time. Today? 7 miles. Running, not wooing. #seattle
danidotnoah: After a year and a half separation, returned to my beloved hair stylist this morning. My parents gave me some darn good hair but goodness, Kaia brings out the best of it. Plus, she always makes sure I walk away with date night hair and a plan to put it in
danidotnoah: Tonight was one of those magical evenings... One that started with catching up and turned into covering every topic you can imagine... Work, family, relationships, friends... Even sexting! So grateful for #realtalk, authentic friendships and much needed g
danidotnoah: Long walk. Short run. Iced coffee. Saturdays.
danidotnoah: Last week marked my year anniversary at Swift. Amazing to think of the year that has passed and excited to see what is in the future. Especially thankful for @agathaasch @lizvalentine @pwille @aliciamcvey @rickalbano @meelliott for convincing me to join t
danidotnoah: Easter's best. #fullheartsclub
danidotnoah: An Easter morning shoutout to all the parents out there. Between the full body workout running with a stroller provides and having to sing "head, shoulders, knees and toes" the entire time I'm pretty certain I set a new PR just so I could get home faster.
danidotnoah: The first non Canon I have ever purchased. Excited to add this little lovey to my collection. Is it weird that when I first saw it I said, "oh now this is sexy!"? #thisisyimsingle
danidotnoah: So hood. So hard. #likeforlike
danidotnoah: I have been thinking about this quote since @mschneider shared it over a month ago and it's been the focal point of many of my meeting doodles. It is a nice little reminder to be your own person. #heyladies
danidotnoah: Happiest of birthdays to my very best friend! @ashmino
danidotnoah: Mornings with #notmykid
danidotnoah: A #regram that perfectly describes my relationship with Solange, I mean @mgb13.
danidotnoah: On my walk to work this morning I discovered the most amazing French bakery, La Parisienne. Parfait! #seattle
danidotnoah: I came. I saw. I #ombre. It's been fun but time to return to hair that doesn't constantly look overgrown. The question is...return to the light or explore dark. #fullheartsclub
danidotnoah: Never normal. #fullheartsclub
danidotnoah: It's been a week...disappointment, sickness, tiredness... But I'm reminded today is a new day. So I started it off right with my girl @jillianmichaels. #IWillWhatIWant
danidotnoah: Morning commute *--)-
danidotnoah: Such a treat to see one of my favorite artists again. Thank you for the tickets @ashmino @vikrajagopal !
danidotnoah: It's been 48 weeks since our last walk to work but perhaps this is the first sign of life normalizing. #dickieanddot #facelesscurtis
danidotnoah: Every month I tried to do at least one thing I've never done before. February? I crashed a wedding. One of the coordinators even had a conversation with me aghast that there weren't enough seats so someone must be crashing. I must look innocent. #missiona
danidotnoah: Productive days call for productive meals.
danidotnoah: All black everything: the secret to 6am flights. 📷 shoot by @ktsnie
danidotnoah: Not your typical Seattle day, let alone in February. #workoutside
danidotnoah: Oh you know... Just me and mine to you and yours! HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!