magic fly paula: Monday, blurry Monday
Eric Flexyourhead: Relaxing at Spectacle Kitahama
nicolasheinzelmann: the 7777th image ...
moaan: Circle of Autumn
jtr27: windows of a country church
Iker Merodio: Light of Winter
moaan: Happy Halloween
Tim Melling: Small Blue butterfly
hellololla: ginger kid
Sorin Mutu: Olympus OM 50mm 1.4
Justine Gordon: evening light
Editor B: Shadow & Blur
moaan: Mejiro
r3cycl3r: National Portrait Gallery
ciao.fotografica: It was such a pretty picture, Hyogo, Japan
moaan: Buddhism
rbrwr: [129] Ping district
rbrwr: [128] Redland
hellololla: last figs of the season.
hellololla: sticky toffee pudding
Benissiva Calling: My mini-lilac is starting to blossom / La lila empieza a florecer
verenaredfoxgredler: puppy Salome and Lewis
Aleksandr Matveev: Panorama of Autumn on Volga river
rabidbee: Rose Window, St Mary's, Cheltenham
moaan: Under the cherry blossoms
Gerrit Fricke: Lake Morskie Oko
egs_photog: _A657801