frank3000de: Eichhörnchen
images@twiston: Fyne reflections
JG Photography86: Mallard, Attenborough Nature Reserve.
Timelesslee1: The Moon
Alexandre Légaré: Carouge à épaulettes // Red-winged Blackbird // Agelaius phoeniceus
jerryherman1: Ruby throated hummingbird
judi may: When in doubt add flowers...
martha'skreations: Floating Feather Art
Emerald Imaging Photography: Knockin On Heavens Door
mik3ymomo: DSC_9714
~ Bob ~: Picture Day for this Handsome Eagle
East Wind: Trilogy
Phil's Pixels: Greenscape
Otto Berkeley: Infinity's Edge
martie.jessie: Red Squirrel named "Bruce"
Lorrainemorris: How beautiful leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days- -John Burroughs--
jonathan le borgne: L'automne en terre bretonne
cogs2011: Kingfisher
Nina Maia2011: Ainda simples e interessante...
Yako36: The colorful Carnival of Peniche - O Carnaval colorido de Peniche
AlexValkaria: 12-07-09 - Bento Gonçalves 100aa
AlexValkaria: 12-07-09 - Bento Gonçalves 104aa
Dougie Edmond: Mute Swan
Mike Bons: Winter Solstice
NPPhotographie: morgens - morning walk