Dani Batz: Japanese Frog-Man-Object
Dani Batz: Fire in the Sky II
Dani Batz: Dream of Fires and Flowers and Towers in the Sky
Dani Batz: Fire in the Sky I
Dani Batz: Evening Glow in the Afternoon
Dani Batz: The Surrealism of Trees
Dani Batz: Coot of the Low Countries
Dani Batz: A Fern
Dani Batz: Pink Fairy Hats
Dani Batz: I dream of dancing flowers at night...
Dani Batz: Moth
Dani Batz: St-Patricks Cathedral
Dani Batz: The Angel of Rock
Dani Batz: Dublin city hall
Dani Batz: Shrimp
Dani Batz: Blue Frogs
Dani Batz: GorillAss
Dani Batz: Prison Light
Dani Batz: Prison Pigeon
Dani Batz: Strix nebulosa
Dani Batz: The shadow of the Giraffe
Dani Batz: Humboldt Penguin
Dani Batz: Cozy Lizards
Dani Batz: Splendour!
Dani Batz: Brussels by light
Dani Batz: Do vampires dream of Mexico?
Dani Batz: Pretty Dead
Dani Batz: There's a moon over Mechelen tonight....
Dani Batz: Peeping Tree
Dani Batz: Sky-Light